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Research from home                                                 £30.00 per hour

Kent History and Library Centre                           £30.00 per hour (£15.00 per half hour)

Canterbury Cathedral Archives                             £40.00 per hour (£20.00 per half hour)

Other Kent archives                                                 £40.00 per hour plus travelling time

London Metropolitan Archives                               £40.00 per hour (minimum 3 hours)

One to one Tutorials at the CKS                             £250 per day. £125.00 per half day

One to one tutorials Canterbury                             £250 per day. £125.00 per half day

Daily rate for tours                                                   £250.00 per day £120.00 per half day plus fuel and expenses

GRO certificates                                                        £12.00 per copy

Photocopies                                                                90 pence per A4 sheet

Postage letters UK                                                    ordinary 1st class rate

Postage reports UK                                                  £1.20 per 0-100 grams.

Postage reports overseas                                          £ 2.50 per 0-100 grams

Travelling for photography                                     75 pence per mile

I do not charge for my time spent writing up reports.

I request payment by cheque (to Sarah Talbutt) or via Paypal after I have done the agreed hours and before I send the report. If you choose to pay by Paypal there is a 4% charge levied on me for using the service, which I will pass on.
If you prefer to do a direct bank transfer that is also acceptable.

If you use a cheque in a currency other than sterling there is a £10.00 charge levied and I have also recently discovered that if you use a direct bank transfer there is a 10% bank charge which I’m afraid I also have to pass on to the client.

I send photocopies and documentation through the post, but will also e-mail reports once payment is received if requested and dependent upon the quality of the photocopy I can sometimes send a scanned image by e-mail.

Rates and Conditions: Text

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